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Most People Fail With Rentals Because They Can't Get Them Managed Properly 

...Here’s How You Can Join The Elite:


Proven Systems To Create Perfect Tenants

That Eliminate Headaches & Maximize Profits

... And in the next few minutes I'm going to show you exactly how to take back control of your rentals!

Ask Yourself These Questions

  • Are You Just Getting Started With Rentals But Scared To Death Because Of The Stories You Have Heard About Tenants and Toilets

  • Did You Just Get Your First Rental And Feeling Lost With No Idea What To Do Now?

  • Are You Frustrated With Your Property Management Company?

  • Have You Changed Property Management Companies Several Times But Disappointed Still Can't Get The Results You Desire?

  • Do You Have Rentals But Are Sick And Tired Of Dealing With Tenants & Toilets?

  • Are You Getting Phone Calls From Your Tenants After Hours Interfering With Your Family Time?

  • Are You Tired Of Wasting Your Time Chasing Down Tenants?

  • Do You Avoid Doing Inspections On Your Rentals Because You Are Afraid Of What You Will Find?

  • Are You Trying To Figure Out Where All Of The Profits Are Going From Your Rentals?

  • Do You Dread Every Time You See A Call From A Tenant?

  • Are You Sick And Tired Of Dealing With Repair Calls?

  • Are You Not Enjoying Being A Landlord?

  • Are You Afraid Of What Would Happen If You Got More Rental Homes?

  • Are You Allowing Your Concerns/Frustrations Hold You Back And Not Acquire Any More Rentals Therefore Effecting Your Future Financial Freedom?

  • Are You Tired Of Hearing Tenant Complain About Anything & Everything And Have No Appreciation For You Or Your Rental Home?

  • Have You Thought About Selling Your Rentals Because You Are Just Tired Of It All?

  • If You Answered ‘Yes’ To Any Of These Questions I Know Exactly How You Feel And Where You Are Coming From

    My Name is Greg Slaughter and I too answered yes at one point to every question above. I was tired, beyond frustrated, and just about to give up!

    I had gone through a couple of property management companies in less than a year. I then started managing our rentals myself and did what the industry and others had taught me to do.

    However, it wasn't fun. I dreaded every time the phone rang and what I was going to have to deal with. It was taking away from my family and my spirits. I was ready to quit and just sell them all!

    Perhaps you feel the same way now? But I decided I wasn't going to allow tenants to take away my and my families financial freedom. I had gotten rental properties so I could have the profits and freedom to enjoy life and I was not going to have bad tenants take that away from me.

    It wasn't right and it wasn't fair and I decided I had to find a better way then what I was taught and saw by other landlords and the industry. I was determined, went to work, and found that better way!

    What Did I Find?

    The first thing I discovered was that every landlord I spoke with was just as frustrated as I was. We were all getting the same results cause we were all following the same teachings that the industry taught. 

    At first I was relieved by this because I now understood I wasn't the problem- the industry was! Every book, every video, every so called 'Guru' taught the same thing (and still do today). 

    If we want different results then we must do something different. That is what we did. We stopped focusing on just trying to find and hope for a Perfect Tenant but instead on how to create the Perfect Tenant. Once we did that, the results immediately changed! 

    We found that by doing different things not taught in this industry but barrowing the concepts from other industries we were able to create Perfect Tenants from the pool of tenants we already had. 

    How Did We Do This?

    I was in corporate America with McDonald's for 19 years starting as a teenager and learned a few things about systems. In fact, you could say that everything I touch and do must evolve into a system. So I took that training and combined it with the mindset of creating Perfect Tenants and incorporated it into our rental business. I went to work creating, testing, honing, & tweaking systems on every aspect of owning a rental home.

    Now 20+ years later these systems have been tested, changed as needed, and proven to work for us in our business. We were able to create Perfect Tenants and eliminate almost all of our headaches while drastically increasing our profits. Today I self-manage all of our rentals and enjoy the freedom that I originally set out to acquire. 

    Now I am now sharing those systems with you! I will share with you exactly what we do and how we do it even providing our documents for you to view, adjust, and use accordingly making it super easy for you. This is everything you need to copy us and be successful in managing your rentals. 

    Why Would I Do This?

    My wife and I lost our daughter Narissa back in 2000 and were unable to have any other children. When I recently turned 50 I started to ponder what my Legacy would be? I wanted it to be more than just acquiring rental homes.

    So I decided and now on a mission to help 1 Million People live the life they desire and deserve. I want you to be one of those. I want everyone to experience financial freedom & fun in life and hope that these systems help you in some way!

    Transform Your Rental Business With 

    Proven Systems That Work 

    Here’s Just A Few Things You’ll Achieve When You Invest In 'Creating Perfect Tenants' Today...

    • How To Eliminate All After Hour Calls

    • How To Get Tenants Chasing You Down If They Don't Have The Rent Rather Then You Chasing Them Down

    • How To Almost Guarantee All Rent Is Paid On Time

    • How To Create The Perfect Tenant That Will Stay For Many Years

    • How To Raise Rents Every Year And Have Your Tenant Thank You For Doing It

    • How To Eliminate Almost All Evictions

    • How To Eliminate All Repair Calls

    • How To Properly Market Your Rental To Generate Many More Applicants Then Any Of Your Competitors

    • How To Self-Manage From Out Of State Better Then The Local Property Management Company

    • How To Eliminate Almost All Vacancy

    • How To 'Turn' Every Home In Less Than 72 Hours

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special: $1495 

    Are you ready to eliminate your headaches and maximize your profits?

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Offer in honor of my daughter Narissa at a 40% discounted price.

    The offer will expire soon and then you will have to pay the full price.

    "Greg has put out a course that is second to none!"

    I really do believe that his course will revolutionize your real estate investment business. His principles and his tactics that he teaches are amazing and they have saved me so much money."

    Eddie Wilson- CEO Think Realty & AAPL

    Limited Time Available For Pricing

    I am going to be direct, to the point and short. Normally you read those marketing sales pages and they talk about some kind of “false scarcity”...

    ...It’s a tactic those use to get you to BUY NOW rather than to procrastinate and go about your ways.

    ...But today I am not going to try and create some false scarcity. I am just going to lay down the facts for you

    FACT: You are leaving money on the table if you are not automating your rental business with these systems

    FACT: We are onboarding only a limited number of users right now so that we can maintain the quality of support that we can provide to our investors

    FACT: The special pricing will end soon, and this price will be gone forever.

    So the facts are that this offer is LIMITED both in NUMBER and LENGTH OF OFFER. You either act NOW and act FAST or you give it up for good.

    There are no second chances here.

    Take advantage of this education before anyone else in your market even knows about it

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special: $1495 

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Offer in honor of my daughter Narissa at a 40% discounted price.

    The offer will expire soon and then you will have to pay the full price.

        Let's see what our investors are raving about      'Self-Managing Your Rentals'

    "Just What I needed"

    "As a new real estate investor with a few properties, I am so glad I was able to learn from a seasoned investor. These systems are going to take my business to the next level and make my life easier as I continue to grow. Thanks to Greg I have changed my mindset on being a landlord, am ready to become more organized and empowered to take the real estate industry by storm. Greg's training program is detailed, easy to follow and includes the examples and resources to be successful."

    Deana Johnson, IN-6 properties

    "This Is Outstanding"

    "Greg is an absolute master at creating management systems that not only resolve the common complaints in the industry, but in many cases eliminate them!! The overall intention of the program is truly win/win for all parties, enhancing both the tenant experience and the landlord experience. The program's candor, fairness, intelligence, and practical business applications are unique and superb. There is an urgent need for this in property management all over the country, creating a huge call to action. If you're remotely tied to property management or investing, the dividends and breakthroughs for these systems and strategies will come for many years. I, like so many other real estate professionals, have enjoyed the low barrier to entry in real estate that allows anyone to get started. The flip side is that training isn't always common, though vitally important. Greg's program is based on tried and true lessons and strategies. Someone who applies this content to their individual business can see a profound shift in service, profitability, and the overall satisfaction of owning real estate. 

    Jim Tannehill

    "Very Easy To Implement"

    "I am very excited about the Slaughter program. The systems work! After viewing all the systems, I was able to immediately implement several systems and saw almost an instant improvement. As a current small property management business owner, I was becoming frustrated and overwhelmed. As soon as I implemented the screening system it enabled me to quickly find a quality tenant and freed up a good deal of wasted time showing to unqualified applicants. Having systems in place has allowed me to delegate responsibilities and have confidence things will be done to my specifications and guidelines. More importantly have checks and balance in place to quickly follow up and know whose accountable for what. In short putting these systems in place has simplified the process and removed a great deal of my headaches and struggles. Thanks Greg"

    Sarindia Burney

    Here's Everything That You Get

    (Plus Extra Bonuses)

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • Over 8+ Recorded Hours Of Greg Himself Personally Sharing His Systems & Experiences Over 18 Different Videos  [$5,000+ Value]

    • 12 Separate Systems Broken Down In Detail To Easily Implement That Will Change Your Rental Business Forever [$3,000+ Value]

    • 22 Different Downloadable Forms You Can Use [$1,500+ Value]

    • Maintenance Automation Software That Eliminates All Tenant Repair Calls [$500+ Value]

    • Unlimited Access For Life [$1,000+ Value]

    • Unlimited Free Updates For Life- Anytime Greg Updates Anything In The Training You Will Get It Free For Life  [$1,000+ Value]

    • Priority 24/7 Support From Greg's AI Clone [$1,500+ Value] 

    • BONUS- Access To Bonus Training "How To Create And Manage Your Team" [$1,500+ Value]

    • BONUS- Access To Bonus Training "How To Generate $100,000+ Per Year Networking" [$1,000+ Value]

    • BONUS- FREE Professionally Personalized LLC Created For Your Situation [$1,500+ Value]

    • SPECIAL BONUS- Upon Access To Bonus Training "How To Quickly & Easily Raise Private Money". This has been sold separately for thousands [$2,000]

    • CHANGE A LIFE- 10% Of All Funds Are Donated To TogetherSavingPaws.org. They use those funds to rescue dogs that would have been euthanized, train them to be emotional support animals, and donate them to a child or woman survivor of human trafficking providing them the unconditional love they desire and need [Priceless]

    Total Value: $19,500

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special Price: $1495

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • Here Are The 12 Systems You Receive That Will

    Change Your Rental Business Forever

    How To:

    Properly Prepare The Home To Rent

    Create The Perfect Tenant

    Book Showings

    Show The Home And Get Applications

    Screen And Approve Applications

    Lease Sign And Move In

    Always Getting Paid

    On Time

    Keep The Tenant In The Home For Many Years

    Tenant Takes Care Of All Minor Repairs Eliminating Calls

    Renew Leases

    Ensure Tenant Performs

    'Turn' Every Home Within 72 Hours

    Turn Your Rental Business Into A Revenue Generating Powerhouse In Just 3 Easy Steps

    By implementing these 3 easy steps you can instantly change your rental business. And over the period of the next several weeks you can see your headaches go away and your profits go up. I have created, tried, and tested these systems since 1999 and have helped many others do so as well. Simply follow these 3 steps and enjoy the same results.

    Step 1: Enroll And Instantly Log In And Watch Video #1

    Enroll now and get instant access to all of the training and forms. This process will take just minutes but will change your rental business forever. 

    Step 2: Complete All 18 Videos In Order

    Simply complete the videos in order while completing the exercises and downloading the forms. You should begin to see instant results the minute you implement your first system. 

    Step 3: Implement Your Systems And Enjoy Results!

    You pick and choose which systems you wish to implement. Most will choose all of them and achieve the same great results as the rest of us!

    Want to see a quick demo of Self-Managing Your Rentals

    on demand education in action?

    Get This Special Offer Now And Save More Than 40% Off The Actual Cost Of This Investment

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special: $1495

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Offer in honor of my daughter Narissa at a 40% discounted price.

    The offer will expire soon and then you will have to pay the full price.

    STOP FAILING FORWARD... It’s Time To Take Control Of Your Rentals And SPEED Towards True Success

    A Letter From Greg


    I know some of you are doubting yourselves. You are asking yourself- I know he is getting those great results but can I? Can I implement these systems or is it too hard for me? Will it work for me in my area with my situation?


    Yes- you can easily implement these systems and yes they will work for you just like they work for me and many others across the country. No matter where you are located in the US or how many rentals you have you just simply follow the step by step process of implementing the systems and get your desired results. Even if you have never implemented a system in your life the process is broken down in detail so anyone can do it and that includes YOU!

    Think of it like a McDonald’s. If you got all of their systems and training could you be successful? Of course you could! I am giving you all of the systems and training you need to self-manage your rentals. You just need to simply follow them and get the same results. It doesn’t get any easier than that. 


    I have been perfecting these systems since 1999 and know they work. I have also helped others across the country achieve the same success. Now it is your turn! I am very confident that this education and these systems will definitely help you with your rental business and will pay for itself almost immediately. Give yourself and your family the opportunity to be as successful as possible.

    I would love to help you take your rental business to the next level. 

    Greg Slaughter

    Creator of Self-Managing Your Rentals

    Ready To Automate Your Rental Business?

    Let's put some nitro in your rental systems and take it to the next level!

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • Here's More Details On What You Get When You Enroll In Self-Managing Your Rentals Today!


    You get to hear from me personally and not some third party trainer. I have created and fine tuned these systems since 1999 and will personally share them with you. Most importantly, I go behind the scenes and share my experiences and why they are created as they are. 

    ($5,000 Value)


    You get 12 separate independent systems to implement into your rental business. Each one is covered in depth with easy to follow procedures on how to incorporate with your current rentals. 

    ($3,000 Value)


    You get 22 different downloadable forms to use immediately. These include checklists and any forms needed as part of a system. This also includes a sample lease that has been created from experiences since 1999 till now to cover you for just about everything that can happen. 

    ($1,500 Value)


    You get immediate access to your own personal online software to automate your maintenance repairs. This software forces tenants to make the minor repairs themselves and elminates all of your repair calls. 

    ($500 Value)


    That's right, you get unlimited access for life! You can review as many times as you wish. You can come back a year later (or longer) to review again if you desire.

    ($1,000 Value)


    Life is constantly changing and the rental business is no different. As things change the 12 systems must evolve and update. Each time I update a system or form it will be updated here and you get those updates for life at no additional charge!

    ($1,000 Value)


    I understand if you are just starting to implement systems you may have questions. Therefore, you will have priority access to Greg's AI Clone available 24/7. Have any and all of your questions answered immediately whenever you need. 

    ($1,500 Value)


    If you want as close to passive income as you can get, as you grow your portfolio you will need to create and manage your team. In this bonus training I will provide where to find, how to train, and how to manage your team that will manage your portfolio. 

    ($1,500 Value)


    In 2015 I created a system/process that has generated over $100,000+ every year since then simply by networking. You will get a recording of me teaching others exactly how this is done and how you can easily do it as well.  

    ($1,000 Value)


    I have teamed up with Kevin O'Leary Taxhive to provide you with a FREE LLC. You will receive a one-on-one call with a professional that will create the LLC that best meets your specific needs.  The consultation, set up, and creation is FREE- you just pay whatever your state filing fees are to activate it.

    ($1,500 Value)

    SPECIAL BONUS-  How to Quickly & Easily Raise Private Money

    Once you get systemized you will want to grow your portfolio. Get immediate access to a recorded training class taught by Greg on how to quickly and easily raise private money.  Whether you are raising your first dollar or want to raise millions this training is a 'must have' sharing the systems that work raising private money. 

    ($2,000 Value)


    10% of your purchase is automatically donated to TogetherSavingPaws.org. They use those funds to rescue dogs that would have been euthanized, train them to be emotional support animals, and donate them to a child or woman survivor of human trafficking providing them the unconditional love they desire and need.


    To be honest we should charge a minimum of $5,000

    for all this (including the Bonuses)

    Take Advantage Of This Limited Time Special

    Before It Is Gone!

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special: $1495

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Offer in honor of my daughter Narissa at a 40% discounted price.

    The offer will expire soon and then you will have to pay the full price.

    Are You Frustrated With A Property Manager? Self Managing Your Rentals

    Will Save You A Fortune!


    Approx. $850

    Monthly average rent landlords receive in America.

    $1,020 - $4,080

    The average amount you’ll dish out annually for 1-4 properties.

    $10,200 - $40,800

    The amount you’ll pay over the course of 10 years for   1-4 properties.

    A small One Time Investment Will Get A 100%+ Return

    In Less Then 1 Year With Only One Rental Home

    Not only will you get all of your money back in less than a year with just 1 rental home but you will profit thousands of dollars more in your pockets on each rental going forward. However, just as important as the profits is that almost all of your headaches can be eliminated!

        Here’s Just A Few Things You’ll Achieve When You Invest In SELF MANAGING YOUR RENTALS Today...

      • How To Eliminate All After Hour Calls

      • How To Get Tenants Chasing You Down If They Don't Have The Rent Rather Then You Chasing Them Down

      • How To Almost Guarantee All Rent Is Paid On Time

      • How To Create The Perfect Tenant That Will Stay For Many Years

      • How To Raise Rents Every Year And Have Your Tenant Thank You For Doing It

      • How To Eliminate Almost All Evictions

      • How To Eliminate All Repair Calls

      • How To Properly Market Your Rental To Generate Many More Applicants Then Any Of Your Competitors

      • How To Self-Manage From Out Of State Better Then The Local Property Management Company

      • How To Eliminate Almost All Vacancy

      • How To 'Turn' Every Home In Less Than 72 Hours

    Imagine if you accomplished all of the above. What if you could eliminate your rental headaches and maximized your rental profits, how much would that be worth? You are getting that for almost nothing....

    Limited Time Special: $1495

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • Over 8+ Recorded Hours Of Greg Himself Personally Sharing His Systems & Experiences Over 18 Different Videos  [$5,000+ Value]

    • 12 Separate Systems Broken Down In Detail To Easily Implement That Will Change Your Rental Business Forever [$3,000+ Value]

    • 22 Different Downloadable Forms You Can Use [$1,500+ Value]

    • Maintenance Automation Software That Eliminates All Tenant Repair Calls [$500+ Value]

    • Unlimited Access For Life [$1,000+ Value]

    • Unlimited Free Updates For Life- Anytime Greg Updates Anything In The Training You Will Get It Free For Life  [$1,000+ Value]

    • Priority 24/7 Support From Greg's AI Clone [$1,500+ Value]

    • BONUS- Access To Bonus Training "How To Create And Manage Your Team" [$1,500+ Value]

    • BONUS- Access To Bonus Training "How To Generate $100,000+ Per Year Networking" [$1,000+ Value]

    • BONUS- FREE Professionally Personalized LLC Created For Your Situation [$1,500+ Value]

    • SPECIAL BONUS- Upon Access To Bonus Training "How To Quickly & Easily Raise Private Money". This has been sold separately for thousands.  [$2,000]

    • CHANGE A LIFE- 10% Of All Funds Are Donated To TogetherSavingPaws.org. They use those funds to rescue dogs that would have been euthanized, train them to be emotional support animals, and donate them to a child or woman survivor of human trafficking providing them the unconditional love they desire and need [Priceless]

    Total Value: $19,500

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special Price: $1495

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • You Are Protected With A

    100% Money Back Guarantee

    Try Self-Managing Your Rentals Risk Free For 30 Days

    I am so confident that these systems will eliminate your headaches and maximize your profits that I am providing a full 30 day 100% Satisfaction money-back guarantee. Try it and test drive it, not for a week, not for 2 weeks, but for 1 full month. You'll not only get the training, but you'll get all the bonuses along with it. And if for any reason Self-Managing Your Rentals does not help your business, I will gladly refund you the money with no questions asked and you get to keep the Free LLC. 

    What If You Don't Take Advantage Of This Opportunity?

    Let's be frank for a minute. You are obviously here for a reason otherwise you would not be exploring this page and you certainly wouldn't have read this far down unless you had a need in your rental business. I have given you every reason to take advantage of this opportunity so now let's ask what if you don't?

    What happens if you pass this opportunity up?

    Where will you be 6 months from now? 12 months from now? Will anything change? How will it change?

    I can't answer those questions for you but I can tell you this. If you don't do anything different then you will not get different results. Nothing will change and the reason you are here reading this isn't going to just go away.

    So you really have three options. Your First option is to just do nothing and hope and pray things will be better in 12 months. You know things won't change. 

    Your second option is to wait and come back here at a later date when you feel it would be more appropriate and you will be more ready. I guess that is ok if you wish to waste time to kick the can down the road till later and also pay more. This price will go away and you will pay more. As an investor, do you buy high or buy low?

    Your third option is to take advantage of this opportunity now. What have you got to lose? You get a 30 day money back guarantee. Worst case scenario if you get the education today is you go through it for the next 30 days and if you hate it then get your money back and keep a free LLC. Or you just may find the system you are missing that will change your rental business forever. So you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

    Last Chance! Do Not Miss Out On This Opportunity

    You Have Nothing To Lose And Everything To Gain

    Enroll Now
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • Being A Landlord Doesn't Have To Suck!

    Unfortunately, I have met many investors that hate being landlords. The have allowed tenants to drown out their financial dreams and why you hear the famous saying "tenants & toilets suck". It doesn't have to be that way!

    I want you to enjoy being a landlord. I want you to enjoy the freedom and financial rewards that come with it!

    All Your Questions Regarding The

    Self-Managing Your Rentals Education Answered

  • Can I  Rewatch The Education?

  • Yes. You can sign in and review it as many times as you would like or need.

  • Do I Only Have A Certain Amount Of Time To Complete This Education?

  • No. You get lifetime access to this education once you invest in it.

  • Is There Anything Else I Must Purchase?

  • No. There is nothing else required to purchase inside this education. There may be suggestions for third party services you desire but everything you need is included for you to be successful and implement all of the systems. No further investments are needed!

  • How Many Rentals Should I Have Before I Can Use This Education?

  • Whether you are just getting your very first rental or have 100+, this education will be tremendously powerful and useful.

  • How Difficult Is This To Implement?

  • Anyone can implement these systems as long as you can review the training and put forth the effort. Everything you need is included to just follow the instructions and you will achieve the same results that many others are already enjoying with their rentals!

    Don't Want To Read The Whole Thing?

    Here's A Gist Of Everything

    You Need To Know

    • We are doing a Limited Time Special of Self-Managing Your Rentals online education in honor of my daughter Narissa

      at a 40% Discounted rate.

    • The total value of everything separately including the on demand education and the bonuses is more than $19,500.

    • This sale is for a Limited Time and very soon this price will go away!

    Regular Price: $2497

    Limited Time Special Price: $1495

    Enroll Now
  • Your transaction is 100% secured.

  • © 2020 Greg Slaughter  All Rights Reserved.